
Dedicated to creating, planning and handling events | Since forever.

Conferences / congresses / symposium / seminars

A conference is usually a large-scale event revolving around a topic, topic or focus area. They usually take place over several days and include special activities, guest speakers, exhibits and networking opportunities.

This type of special event is a great way to achieve many potential business goals, such as brand awareness, lead generation, and thought leadership. only.

Conferences are unique in that they can serve all of these purposes simultaneously, depending on the content and activities taking place. In short, they help attendees discover, engage, and understand your business and its brand.

Trade shows

A trade show invites many different companies from a particular industry to introduce their products and services to the public. The goal of a trade show is to introduce the latest products to your target audience and generate interest in the brand. By allowing your target audience to interact with your brand, you have the opportunity to create memorable experiences and leave a lasting impression.

This type of event can be a small, simple event with just a few vendors or it can include thousands of companies exhibiting in the same location. Either way, trade shows are a great way to increase brand awareness, build contact lists, and create sales funnels.

Networking events

When someone attends an event, one of their main goals is to make connections. This is exactly what a networking event aims to facilitate. Simply put, a networking event is an organized opportunity for attendees to meet new people and build their contact list.

This specific type of event is especially useful useful to sow the seeds for future partnerships and commercial relationships. For example, networking can help you recruit new talent for your brand or even lay the groundwork for a sponsorship at a future event.


Conferences provide a “hands-on” alternative to sitting in an event space to listen to guest speakers or participate in panel discussions. It’s a great way to liven up the festival and give people the chance to learn a new skill. A seminar can be a stand-alone event or can be a supplement to a conference or trade show.

These highly interactive seminars offer attendees participate in educational experiences. But at the same time, they can network with other participants and generate interest in the skill, topic or subject in question.

To help you, here are 8 useful tips Useful when organizing conferences.

Team building events

A team building event is an internal company event that invites employees to spend quality time together, bond, and work toward a common goal. The great thing about team building is that it can come in all shapes and sizes: competitions, workshops, presentations and even mental challenges.

This professional event is more than just promotes teamwork and collaboration but also rewards employees for their hard work with well-deserved fun and relaxation. Team building goes a long way in retaining and attracting talent, which is why it’s a popular choice among business leaders.

Product launch events

The product launch was exactly what it seemed; an opportunity to introduce a new product or service to the public. They help spread the word and create buzz around a new brand, partnership, or product by inviting attendees to experience it firsthand.

Product launch events are effective in driving sales and raising company awareness. Additionally, they are great for connecting with your target audience and fostering long-term relationships with your brand.

Charity events/ fundraising party

Charity events invite attendees to help raise money for a specific good cause. You can organize these events in any way possible, such as a gala, competition, auction, marathon, or concert.

Organizing a fundraising event can can help your business associate your name with charity and create a positive brand image. But more importantly, it’s an opportunity to do something truly good for the world together. Plus, you’ll have a lot of fun along the way!

Internal corporate events

An internal corporate event is any event organized by a company for employees, stakeholders, or board members. Examples of internal company events include town halls, team building events, holiday parties, sales meetings, and board meetings.

These events have can be used to help your employees interact with each other and align with company goals. and values. They can also serve as a way to share information and demonstrate ROI to your stakeholders and investors.

Tematic parties

A good theme can take a party from average to unforgettable, especially if you get creative with the music, costumes, and decorations. But one of the hardest parts of planning a party is finding the perfect theme. And to save you hours of thought, we asked the experts.

We asked party planners for their best themed party ideas, SO WE HAVE MORE THAN 300 IDEAS.

(CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility events and parties

In today’s business landscape, practicing corporate social responsibility (CSR) is essential for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices and community engagement. they serve.

For CSR professionals, nonprofits and enthusiastic individuals, attending major CSR events is a great opportunity to strengthen your skills and increase your impact. These conferences provide a platform to network, stay trendy, and learn the essential skills needed to excel in the social impact field.